Sarah Cottier Gallery

Creationism Triptychs (Notes on Idiocracy) 2013 Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney, Australia
TONY SCHWENSEN Creationism Triptychs (Notes on Idiocracy) 2013 Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Press Release

TONY SCHWENSEN Creationism Triptychs (Notes on Idiocracy) 2013 Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney, Australia High definition video, 2 x digital prints dur ation 01:02:00 looped
Creationism Triptych I (the hamurphy seat) or you imagine what you desire or I see no changes or arbeit macht frei (My sensibilities reside in Alamogordo)
High definition video, 2 x digital prints dur ation 01:02:00 looped
110 x 230 cm

Creationism Triptych I (the hamurphy seat) or you imagine what you desire or I see no changes or arbeit macht frei (My sensibilities reside in Alamogordo)
01:02:00 looped

HD Video

TONY SCHWENSEN Creationism Triptychs (Notes on Idiocracy) 2013 Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney, Australia 3 x digital prints
Creationism Triptych III (The reason why I got to the top is because the top wasn’t very high) or the myth of meritocracy or your arse my bootstraps or conflating the cloud and the silver lining (New American Painting)
3 x digital prints
110 x 280 cm

TONY SCHWENSEN Creationism Triptychs (Notes on Idiocracy) 2013 Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney, Australia High definition video, 2 x digital prints duration 00:58:00 looped 00 looped
Creationism Triptych IV (Eugenics and Art History) The Mother of Joseph Beuys, The Father of Mike Parr, The Son of Matthew Barney (Lazy American Conceptualism)
High definition video, 2 x digital prints duration 00:58:00 looped 00 looped
110 x 270 cm

Creationism Triptych IV (Eugenics and Art History) The Mother of Joseph Beuys, The Father of Mike Parr, The Son of Matthew Barney (Lazy American Conceptualism) 2013
Duration 00:58:00 looped

HD Video

TONY SCHWENSEN Creationism Triptychs (Notes on Idiocracy) 2013 Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney, Australia
Installation VIew